


最近我跟他說我越來越喜歡看他踢波. 又分析他有速度, 反應快, 不急進, 看準才出腳, 大大牽制了前鋒, 巧妙地破壞了對手進攻, 在比賽中, 尤其是面對强手, 作出很大效用. 昨天的五人足球賽, 他跟Adam是惟一打足全場的球員, 十二碼罰球也射得很好, 我很滿意他的表現, 並多次讚賞他, 稱他是當今世上, 最强的十大後衛. 晚上, 他欣然跟我談及其他人如Carson, 子軒的表現, 我們有很好的交談.

我便趁機提出我的期望, 希望他以Adam為目標, 前攻和回防, 兩者兼優時, 他不如以往般當是負面的批評. 看來, 對波波最好的激勵方法是不斷地讚賞, 對他要有耐心, 信心和肯定. ...這些不是所謂「如何教好子女」的書中良方嗎?


wine and water

Stella sent me an email.

To my dear who enjoy a glass of wine.. And those who don't!!!

As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.

In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E.Coli) - bacteria found in faeces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop.

However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or tequila, rum, Whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.

Remember: Water = Poop, .........Wine = Health

Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit.

There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a public service

I responded her in this way.

this is a good news to those alcoholic lovers. maybe this article is written by some alcohol manaufacturer. it sounds logical but i have a different view. the water we drink is boiled and that means majority of germs are killed. secondly it doesn't mention the side effect of alcohol.

anyway, i think the best way is to choose whatever you find well fit for yourself. i am very sensitive to beer, wine and even tea. i have tried but most of the time they were proved to disturb my body mechanism. i need to take some time to regulate and that is horrible. i found that, on the other hand, the more water you drink, the more it can change your taste. soft drinks, salty soup will become too strong and you would then prefer to take drinks of light taste . so after all, it is good for health.

water is the most natural thing in the world. no one should deny its importance. there are a lot of articles dissmilating new ideas and concepts, especially those concerning health. in my opinion, if we have a simple diet, we can have a healthy life. human is too greedy and feeble to resist temptions and that's the way we spoil our health. i find no bother to limit my choice of drinks. i am proud of this lifestyle.

anyway, thanks for the article. it did inspire me. i will put it into my blog.


David's wedding - supplementary

David - 花名beggar, 乞E, 大家改叫他做David都很不慣. 他是轉校生, 來自喇沙, 單係咁,已夠乞E(kidding), 現任地產界强人。
阿薛 – 薛美娟, 中一外來生. 現職郵政局局長(觀塘), 暫被抽調協辦馬術奧運, 為國出力, 為港爭光. 連當事人也忘記的故事, 她會從她的超凡記憶系統中download下來.
阿Lum – 林小玲, 中一外來生, 很高質素, 獨立有品味, 值得向好男生推介.
阿錢 – 錢自培, Johnny Chin, 上了facebook, 大家有認識吧
董群領 – 書生派, 無別名, 比較文靜, 跟阿錢同在IBM做同事
阿連 – 連進光, 小學插班生, 現職於港島民生, 老頂是張伯康, 是organizer高手,活躍分子,
高子夫婦 – 高志聰, 陳婉麗,同樣是小學升上去, 理科班, 現有一對仔女, 很幸福的高麗配喲.
孫軟 – 孫遠英, 跟阿薛是親家. 現育有一女, 好靚女, 應似媽咪(不用說吧)
阿廖 - 廖建忠, 數佬、老板.
鄧佬 – 鄧志强, 鑽石單身王老五,
阿華 – 陳麗華, 中一外來生, 讀書時是活躍分子, 現似東華三院的總理夫人
桂霖 – 無需介紹, 唔記得佢樣,都記得佢笑聲, 現為愛打golf的靚太
Irene – 鄭淑芳, 一個全力照顧資優愛女的全職母親, 是位長期跟尤如台灣民進黨愛抺黑對手的家長戰鬥的英勇戰士.
美卿 – 林美卿, 一直以來就職於一間有關保安的公司.
珠女- 徐華珠, 一個不像會上堂吃橙的女生, 但阿薛和桂霖正正難忘她開橙後垂下頭來遮掩的一幕, 但這連她自己也不相信耶!
大連, 即黃大連, 即波蘿飽. 讀書時打扮擬似窮家女, 總是扣少一粒衫鈕, 穿了妹好的裙子, 長度跟我們的短了一大截. 現育有一子, 跟David在同一間公司做同事.
連娃妮夫婦 – 吳曙明 + 連娃妮, 個人認為有點送羊入狼口的感覺. 大好美人….唉… 現有一子
蔡華祥夫婦 – 太太是張佩娟, 但我對她真是零記憶, 她來到我面前, 我還在思索為何一個擬似愛唱粵劇的人士向我打招呼.
蕭雞夫婦 – 一個吹脹了的球體生物, 影相不防站在他的身旁. 不清楚他過往做了些什麼, 保肉人士?? 應跟吃有關吧!
雞楠和女朋友 - 桂霖召他過來我們這圍, 詢問他一個問題便打發他走了. 他的答案是未婚…但已有女友.
莫少雄夫婦 – 滿頭白髮的他有點像很實幹的議員, 但當然不是.
Rocky - 仍然保持一副卡通樣子, 一種笑得很可愛的鼠類
Boss Law – 羅煒亮,永遠都是官仔骨骨,斯斯文文的, 似一個有文化的Boss.但他並不是boss
其他的不熟, 故資料不祥