
farewell Andrew Cheung's script

This is the script for farewell Mr Andrew Cheung. Doesn't matter it would be announced or not, keep it here as for easier recall.

ACH有幾好? 入嚟前淨知D SHOW好正,有外國著名歌手, 如PATTI PAGE,....
本地的如許冠傑, 其他如初出道的梅豔芳, 無綫的SHOW,見過不知幾多明星,睇過不知幾多正SHOW.
入左去後, 就覺好玩,
同學啦, 同事啦.
有好野睇, 又有錢,可以咁好玩.
每次他入來, 看看我地這班馬騮,
就只是這秒時間, 他的眼神,比人的感覺
無論在睇緊電視, 或操緊啤, 或找緊spare証
總之一個字-- 型.
再同他對話, 原來他很親切, 全無架子,
仲有相信會好靚, 好有氣質的下一代(雖未見過).
總之以後出來做野, 就從來沒見過一個比他更有型的老細.
歡顏. Lily上



北區醫院誤調病人記錄, 錯判為癌症, 將一名36歲病人的整個乳房切除下來.

曾幾何時, 看過類似的笑話.

醫生 : 我有一個好消息及一個壞消息. 你要聽好消息還是壞的先呢?
病人 : 那就壞先吧!
醫生 : 跟據檢驗結果,你患上癌症,要切去整個乳房,以保生命.
病人 : 這個手術已完成,那好消息是否我以後不會有癌症?
醫生 : 差不多.好消息是:切下來再去化驗,你不是患上癌症.


Strange Mag

If you were at our age or in our generation that witnessed the glorious moment and high tide of our national volleyball team, don't know if you would crazy for China team instead of Brazilian?

During that period, everyone cheered up for Long Ping's powerful strike. She was awesome, and it is amazing to see now how her legend extends in her role of coaching. Italian and USA's team surely has made her proud. But she has always kept herself in low profile, the cleverest treat as being a coach in foreign countries, not to undermine the face of 1300bChinese.

Never have I imagined and seen such a crazy volleyball fan like you. You are after them when they are in HK, you would stay at the same hotel to grasp every opportunities to meet them, you are learning Portuguese to keep close contact with them and even had travelled to Brazil to meet your girls and brought with all the things they needed.

No wonder the photos taken show that you are extraordinarily close to the atheletes - embracing them to share their victory (one in Beijing Olympic game), joining their wedding dinner. Seems that you are one of the team member or even a family member.

You are just at early 20s, and you've got a different circle of friends. Your world of interest is strange to me. Or am I strange as I am too narrow minded?


Strong Helen

I got sick after attending the exhibition in Dongguan. I went there last Sat with Helen. We spent most of the time hanging round the booths, fascinated by the furniture display and then took almost 3 hours to rush back.

Helen had to pack her belongings personally and led her other 4 family members headed to her hometown, Ningbo, that night. She managed to arrive her home in Fanling before 9p, thanks for her bargaining skill and generousity of taking the white plate taxi, paying RMB 200 from Dongguan to Shenzhen to a man totally a stranger to us.

She kept on talking with the driver, flattering her vast experience and knowledge in Mainland China, for the sake of our safety. She had slightly opened a window, refrained us from being trapped by acid air. She fastenend her seat belt and reminded me to do the same in my next trip, Mon and Tues back to Dongguan exhibition again. She's correct to doubt that I didn't learn from the lesson that I had lightly knocked my right knee when our car screeched to a halt just in time to avoid a bump near the petrol station.

Helen's smart and energetic. She kept alert all the time while I was tired. I was vulnerable to disease at that period of time. I knew the reason.

Helen's also very strong in facing her fate. Her two marriages, one ended up with divorce and one a sudden death, had never let her tried a taste of true love. The second one passed away when the baby was just six months in his mother's dummy, a boy of severe retardant. This is not her only child. Her first child of her first husband, a clever and lovely girl, however, died of cancer at the age of around 20. It came as the most terrible blow in her life, but again, she managed to overcome it. Be it her last tragic.

Helen never needs to struggle for love from men as she's attractive. Men and men chased after her and she chose those willing to help taking care of her premises, leasing issue while she just concentrates to hold tight of all her keys for the safe, houses, and closely keep her eyes on her investment and bank accounts. She knows how to get what she wants and what she needs. But seems that poorly she is destined not to have a mutual love relationship.

She had once loved a man. The first time she felt heart beating, missing, and then breaking. She has adopted a little girl in China, she mentioned how hard and dedicated to get the thing done, she is searching for a love that bonds indeed, I think.

I hope our friendship would give her warmth. Wishing her a happy full moon festival!