終於看罷共344頁Tony Parsons 的Man and Boy. 這本書的封面設計很簡單, 封面有兩雙boots, 一大一細, 封底有兩件掛起的外套, 同樣是一大一細, 那種不拘小節的男孩款式. 很明顯內容是講述父子情. 而真正吸引我翻看是因為封面的兩句comments : 第一:British Book Awards. 第二‘I cried five times and laughed out loud four’. James Brown, Observer. 我不知誰是Tony Parsons 或James Brown, 只不過因內文並不艱深, 需查字典的次數比Harry Porter少得多, 所以我能追看下去.
這本書的故事內容是講述一個三十出頭的男人Harry Silver, 本是事業家庭兩得意, 怎料突然胡里胡塗地跟一位年輕的同事發生了一夜情, 於是人生起了很大的變化. 首先當然是他的太太要離開他, 激發她隻身前往她一向嚮往的日本工作, 又因同時遇著他的廣播事業出了岔子, 他惟有全職湊仔, 加入單親家庭行列, 努力去學習獨力照顧只得6歲大Star War迷的兒子. 當中他從他的父親身上體會做父親的角色, 亦跟新女友Cyd的發展關係中重新去看愛情.夫妻.婚姻和家庭.
他問母親 :
How do you manage to carry on after losing Dad?
You can never get it over. You have to learn to let go. That’s part of it. Part of what it means to love someone. To really love someone. If you love someone then you don’t just see them as an extension of yourself. You don’t just love them for what’s in it for you. Love means knowing when to let go.
最後Harry放棄跟太太爭奪兒子的residency. 雖然兒子不能時常在他身邊, 他對Cyd說:
It’s like he’s still there. I can’t explain it. Even though he’s gone, I feel him all around me. There’s just this big gap where he used to be. It’s like his absence is as strong as his presence.
同樣是單親家庭的Cyd說 :
Even when they’re gone, they still hold your heart. That’s what being a parent is all about.
繼而Harry在友人的緍宴上深切地反省, 切實地去思考跟Cyd將來的日子和一切的承擔. 沒再有昔日perfect love/romantic的想法. 他在演詞中揭露愛的真諦:
Life without love is no life at all. Nancy Sinatra said that. And if you find someone to love, then you should never let them slip away. I said that.
終於他追回想回美國的Cyd, 跟Cyd和她的女兒一起.
雖然我沒有多大的感動, 但我很佩服作者把角色寫得很生動, 很vivid. 當中夾雜了電影音樂人物和地道的gap, 最宜推介給外國的離婚男人. 我想外國人和中國人的觀念不同, 他們容易在一起, 容易分離, 相對我們的離婚率較低, 所聽到的故事不多, 該慶幸吧!