

原來人每天最多只可以注射4支止痛針, 每支的藥力可維持約4小時, 超額的便由病者自負後果. 藥力過後, 痛得睡也睡不了, 每晚看著彌敦道的街景, 數著行駛過的車輛, 直到天亮第一支止痛針為止. 如是者足足有七晚的煎熬. 他說他的痛可能如分娩般的有十級高, 我想分娩時雖痛得要命, 但痛苦總有望完結.

我聽了,心有不安,當初我有份決定開刀, 現在肚上的一道疤痕, 總覺得好像我有份界了下去.


1 則留言:

Unknown 說...

Thank you for your postings. I found your blog from your Facebook page after work. I kept reading & reading; sometimes laughing & crying at other time. I never learned that much about you until now. Thank you for your sharing. It means a lot to me. I hope whoever you talk about will recover soon. I can help to pray for him. I believe in the power of prayer.