

Angels & Demons中男主角Robert Langdon和女主角Vittoria對話中對宗教的看法和我的觀點很相近.

'I respected the power of faith, the benevolence of churches, the strength religion gave so many people.’

'Having faith requires leaps of faith, cerebral acceptance of miracles – immaculate conceptions and divine interventions. And then there are codes of conduct. The Bible, the Koran, Buddhist scripture….they all carry similar requirements – and similar penalties. They claim that if I don’t live by a specific code I will go hell. I can’t imagine a God who would rule that way.’

'Holy scripture is stories.. legends and history of man’s quest to understand his own need for meaning..When you lie out under the stars, do you sense the divine? Do you feel in your gut that you are staring up the work of Gold’s hand?’

天主教 – 神職人員無私的奉獻, 最能表現神的愛, 但太多的繁文縟節, 太多儀式, 太守舊太傳統. 此外, 教會至高無上的地位和權力, 亦最易使人迷失.
基督教 – 天主教徒以行為感動人, 基督教徒對人稱兄道弟, 但卻講多於做. hard sales得令人透不過氣來. 但它卻比天主教進步, 解放人思想, 但又令人變得自以為是.
佛教 – 只需自我修行,人人可以是神, 適合含蓄的亞洲人. 當中對人生苦難有深切而具哲理性的講解, 徹底又通透. 但一時說空, 一時要供奉, 我覺得有矛盾.
回教 – 明顯是用以方便統治者規範人民和社會, 但最令我欣賞的是它的凝聚力很強, 是各宗教之冠, 最見「成效」的宗教.

終歸, 我相信有創造者, 亦是基督教聖經中所說的神. 我喜歡聽道, 所以我會收看星期日的權能時間, 但要我去教會,在短短的相聚間面對陌生人無緣無故地對我很nice很親密, 我會好不自在, 我覺得很假. 再者, having faith requires leaps of faith, 我會吃不消, 我不想被規範.

我覺得人與神的關係就如子女和父母的關係, 是用心維繫; 子女可自由自在地享受父母付予的一切, 只要子女做得好, 不用向父母討好, 父母都感安慰, 最終極美好的也都給予.
