
Quince Chong

同學莊偉茵是我眾多同學最出色的一個, 很容易在網上找到她的資料, 如下:

Quince Chong is director of Service Delivery, Cathay Pacific Airways, and chairman of Cathay Pacific Catering Services HK Ltd, Vogue Laundry Service Ltd and Hong Kong Airport Services Ltd. Before joining Cathay Pacific, she held public relations positions at the Hong Kong Tourist Association and various hotels. She has also been a member of the Council of the Open University of Hong Kong.

相信她比May姐還要勁得多. 雖然莊不是親戚, PR出身的她不難跟她攀上幾句. 事實上最近三次的見面, 兩次在民生, 一次在球場, 以平起平坐的同學身份聊天, 不似得陳家把人(May)看得特別高, 每每她在熒光幕出現或到場時, 就張揚一番, relax,不要像天主教徒看見教宗般, 看或看不到她我並沒有甚麼得著或損失!
